Welcome to Little Shoal Bay Reserve
LITTLE SHOAL BAY RESERVE offers an abundance of interesting and challenging play spaces with everything to make this new location for our upcoming Summer's Programme a total hit! Wide open spaces for big group games like bullrush and soccer, clusters of trees for huts and climbing, steep slopes for scrambling and sliding, and a huge amount of native wildlife. The Shoal Bay Stream is a habitat for indigenous fish including inanga, banded kokopu, longfin eel, and shortfin eel. The riparian and wetland vegetation in the lower reaches of the stream provides ideal inanga spawning habitat.
The reserve with boardwalks and bridges provides opportunities for up-close observation of these natural systems with minimal environmental impact and the bay is pretty shallow, perfect for kids to swim and walk along when the tide is out. With great views of the Auckland Harbour Bridge, when the wind is right, it is even an excellent place to fly kites. We can't wait to explore this new terrain with your kids! Pick up and drop off point at the Sea Scout Hall carpark, bayside. The mudflats and mangrove forests offer us new opportunities to explore, there are caves when the tide is low and pohutukawa trees that stretch over the creek to climb and play in. The tidal beach is fantastic for not only swimming but walk.
9 am – 3 pm for children aged 5 yrs – 12 yrs
$85/day per child
6 Council Terrace, Northcote, Auckland 0627, New Zealand
The foundation of our programs is free play in a natural setting with as little assistance as possible from equipment and technology. We offer a chance for children to play as they like, for as long as they like, within a framework of respect for those around them and the environment. Extension opportunities will be available but only if the children genuinely want to participate. We provide basic equipment suitable for exploring the outdoors: ropes, tarpaulins, bungees, compasses, magnifying glasses, knives (to be used with supervision), and some art equipment.
Our programs are designed as an antidote to the fast-paced technology-filled world many children now inhabit. Any personal devices (phones, iPods, etc) must be left at home.
The program will go ahead in all weather. Rain brings exciting opportunities for play and exploration and of course shelter building! Good quality wet weather gear is very important. We wholeheartedly believe the famous quote "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing". Waterproof gear (jacket and pants) is compulsory for rainy days. We offer waterproof pants for sale in our online shop. In case of severe weather warning the Boat Club has been booked.
What you MUST pack:
The children need to be well prepared to get the most enjoyment out of the day. Cold, wet, or hungry children can't play happily.
Minimum 3 full sets of clothing including underwear and socks
(Thermals are highly recommended during Autumn and Winter) -
sun hat
warm hat ( Autumn and Winter )
Swimwear (rash t-shirt is compulsory during Summer and Spring)
Plastic bags for wet clothes
LOTS of food. They will get far more hungry than they do sitting in a classroom all-day
Large Drink bottle
Old shoes suitable for bushwalking
Gum Boots
Waterproof pants are compulsory for wet days. -
They need 2 bags, 1 for clothing and a backpack for lunch and drink
Our children’s lives are so filled with structure, that this program aims to give them a break from instruction and allow them to play as they like, for as long as they like, within a framework of respect for those around them and the environment. Extension opportunities will be available but only if the children genuinely want to participate. Playing in the outdoors inevitably means getting dirty, and often getting a few scrapes and bruises too. If you or your child are not happy with this concept then this is not the programme for you.
A unique part of the Conscious Kids Programme philosophy is that passionate parents make the very best supervisors. They have a vested interest in making sure the day is amazing for the children and they have the most experience caring for and managing children. If you are enthusiastic and positive about being in the outdoors in all weather conditions and genuinely enjoy being around children supporting independent play, then this could be the role for you.
Please click here for more information or email info@consciouskids.co.nz
* To ensure our children get the best of our free play spaces and enjoy the Conscious Kids way of play, we require at least 12 children to attend per day, so please invite your friends for the days of pure fun during the holidays!