A unique part of the Conscious Kids Holiday Programme philosophy is that passionate parents make the very best supervisors. They have a vested interest in making sure the day is amazing for the children and they have the most experience caring for and managing children. If you are enthusiastic and positive about being in the outdoors in all weather conditions and genuinely enjoy being actively involved in childrens' play then this could be the role for you.
You will play an active part in the running of the session, helping to play with and supervise the children. You will be allocated up to 8 children (including your own) and need to keep track of their whereabouts. You will be given training and assistance to ensure you are comfortable with this system. You will need to arrive half an hour early to help set up and stay at little longer at the end for pack up.
You will also need to attend 1 training session in the week before the programme, at the venue, to familiarise yourself with the area and run through policies and procedures. This should be no more than 1.5 hours. We will give preference to parents who can attend several days as it involves less training for us and more consistency for the children.
Your first child will attend that session/programme for half price.
Preferential booking for your children for extra days you are not doing parent help.
You will have an awesome day outside, and leave feeling reconnected with your children and the world
around you.
The parent helpers from our September programme all really enjoyed their experience.
Here are what some of them had to say:
"I really enjoyed being a parent helper at ‘Into the Woods’. It was fantastic to hang out in the forest and just discretely observe the children. My role was really to ensure the children were safe and interacting with them if they wanted.
In other situations, as a parent, I would usually try and get involved, help out, etc. Here I didn’t and it was amazing to see how well the kids do without adults - they worked together, interacted across all ages, would ask for help from another child, and help when asked. They were so busy for the 6 hours they were there and certainly didn’t need my interaction. A great example is when some river explorers saw an eel. They freaked out and I had to stop myself saying anything ‘helpful!’ It may have taken about a good half hour of working out, discussing, planning, chatting but in the end, they got back in the river and were fine. The time flew by for myself, and I loved seeing all the kids just creating magic by just being themselves and being in nature! Fantastic experience!"- Nicole Lorimer
"I know Harriet from 'Nature Kindy', as a teacher. When she mentioned she is opening a school holiday program for children, called 'Conscious Kids', I knew my children would love it. I wondered how it would work for me being there as 'parent help'.The result was amazing. My children were there, but I hardly saw them. I love the idea of being present as a mother and not being involved too much in their play. I got so much pleasure watching them being happy and having them so close. No excuse for home chores, computer work, cooking - the time was designed just for me, my kids and their friends. I wandered slowly, watching them all and made sure I was handy if it was necessary. Time stood still as I relaxed and enjoyed nature, fresh air and hearing kids laugh. It was a blessing.
Of course, we can be so productive without kids around, but being with them is priceless.
These experiences will stay in our memory" - Jitka Bloomfield (mother of two, aged 6 & 9)
Please note that we have obligations under the Vunerable Children Act 2014 so all parent helpers will need to be reference checked. Conscious Kids reserves the right to refuse an application for parent help if we feel the candidate is not suitable for the position. If you would like to apply please email info@consciouskids.co.nz for an application form.